Books and Literature that Saved my College Life

November 24 2021

Reading is an essential part of everybody's life. It expands our outlook, helps us to relax, and keeps us entertained. Books are great companions in everything we do and studying is no exception. Students can significantly benefit from reading, in terms of the effect on academic success. Reading activity offers in-depth understanding in certain subjects, enhances critical thinking and even improves writing. Before we find out what books must be on a student's shelf, let's consider another way of mastering writing skills at college.

Books are great companions in everything we do and studying is no exception.

Books are great companions in everything we do and studying is no exception.

Start writing essays to improve your writing

To become a better writer, you can turn to literature itself for help. As mentioned above, reading widely not only adds to your knowledge, but also improves your writing skills. Since you can learn new terms, analyze the author's style and see how to use complex grammar constructions, this is a great way to upgrade your writing. However, it's not really enough.

The most important thing to remember is that you should practice as much as possible. You should start writing essays on the topics which interest you most. Even if you write a few pages a day, but do so on a regular basis, it will be enough to take your skills to the next level.

Books that will help you perform better at college

In recent years, more and more students have become eager to find ways to boost their academic efficiency. Thanks to the huge amount of literature created on this topic, it's not a difficult task. Check the list below of books that helped me become a better learner.

Mastery by Robert Greene
Robert Greene analyzes the learning process very deeply. He breaks it down into several stages, which are: defining your task, completing an apprenticeship, creative experimenting, and assimilating skills. The author also invented a formula of mastery. According to this formula, mastery is a combination of time, intense focus and self-belief. Although it may seem obvious, we often neglect some of these components, expecting mastery from ourselves. We tend to think that mastery can be gained overnight, which is a huge mistake that negatively affects our confidence. Greene emphasizes how important it is to get rid of that misconception in order to achieve high results.

Mastery by George Leonard
A book, by the same name but from another author, that is appreciated by readers for its simplicity. George Leonard gives four keys to learning efficiency: instruction, practice, surrender and intention. These elements are essential to exceed your current abilities and enhance your skills. Their combination ensures mastery and leads to great outcomes.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
If you enter a new environment at school or college, this book is definitely for you. Although it's actually a fictional tale, Ender's Game can be very useful for students. The author describes how it feels to live in an alien environment, with no friends and little respect. The main character of the story achieves something almost impossible — he starts thriving in a community that hates him. Ender is not bullied anymore because everybody has noticed his excellence and talent. This is an inspiring story that motivates readers to learn and grow.

Sword in the Stone by T.H. White
Many people say that it's the best book on learning they've ever read. It teaches you the value of different experiences and helps you understand various perspectives. After reading it, you'll be able to combine opposite views, which is a valuable skill nowadays. The characters in this story explain the necessity and the meaning of learning. They also discuss the philosophy of studying, reminding you of the true reason for gaining new knowledge.

The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin
If you want to learn how to excel in anything you do, you should add this book to your reading list. Its author tells how to truly master something and execute your tasks at the highest level. The Art of Learning offers original ideas and effective tools, helping you to fall in love with the learning process and boost your effectiveness. Waitzkin has an extraordinary view on distractions, saying that we shouldn't minimize them. Instead, we should learn to be comfortable performing in a noisy environment. Readers call this book a high-performance bible since it helps them complete tasks quickly and easily.

Final thoughts

To survive at college, one must be able to study smart, not hard. However, everybody is not equally efficient when it comes to learning. To become a better student, you should check the books listed above. They will teach you how to achieve mastery in anything you do.

Author's Bio

Robert Griffith is a writer and college tutor. He works with students, helping them complete their college papers. Robert also writes articles for popular science journals and business magazines.

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