Advertising with Japan Zone - Ad Rates
Ad Rates
Please note that links to casino/gambling/adult related websites carry an additional 50% premium on top of the rates below.
Payment is via PayPal to or by bank transfer (details will be provided).
- The rate for adding a text link is $300/year on the homepage or $150/year on an existing content page. More widespread placement (throughout a category or site wide, for example) would be negotiable.
- The rate for posting a Feature article is $300/year or $500 for a permanent placement. Example Feature articles can be seen here.
- The rates for posting a banner start from $100/month.
To answer some common questions:
- We do not negotiate rates with new clients, but are happy to do so with established clients.
- Articles should be about 600-800 words in length, must be on a topic related to Japan or Japanese culture, and can include one sponsored link.
- If required, we can provide the article content on the topic of your choice. The fee for this additional service is $150.
- Links are included as “dofollow”. It is assumed that one is the link being promoted, while it is usual to include several other contextual links.
- Articles are not labeled as Sponsored or similar.
- At our discretion, articles and/or images may be edited for quality and/or formatting purposes.
- At our discretion, articles may be promoted on the site Homepage and/or our social media accounts.
- We can usually have submitted links or articles online and live within one business day, subject to the quality of the submitted content.
- Please read #1 again!